Like branches on a tree, our lives may grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one
The Bekele Family
Sophia is born in the Capital of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, third of six children, to Ato Bekele Eshete WoldeMichael, a successful businessman and Entrepreneur who had founded and run business in many sectors of Ethiopia’s Economy including Travel Agency, Leather Export, Printing & Publishing, Information Technology, Hotel and also the Founder and Board Director of one of largest financial institutions United Bank and United Insurance In Ethiopia and to a Mother, Sister Mulualem Beyene Engeda, who had had a long career in Nursing and later run a Clinic Business before she retired, and now active engaged in Charity work at her Church and a frequent travel between her home in the US and Addis Ababa, as well as visiting her children abroad.
Coming from an Upper Crest of the Society, Sophia lived a privileged life in Addis Ababa, attending Nazareth school along with her sisters in a private primary and secondary school. While studying abroad may have been common in those societies with an objective of returning home, the era of the Red Revolution that over threw the Throne of Emperor Haile Selassie forced many including Sophia and Family to leave the country due to political uncertainty, making San Francisco Bay Area a place to call “home abroad”, where she has spent most of her educational and early career life.
Most of the siblings also reside in the US, however having still a firm base of business and family in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.