
Sophia bekele

“And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.”Abraham Lincoln

Health & nutrition
Fitness enthusiast
Marshal Arts, Latin Zumba
Scuba Diving in Exotic Coral Reefs
Flying Airplanes

Reading about

Personal Investment:
On-line Trading

Special Interests:
SF Opera/ Symphony
Language development on the Internet
Sharing Life’s encounters through Social media, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
in search of the Black Swan

Special Experiences

Sophia has extensive travel around the world. She has taken six (6) “Around-the-World trips” between 1998 to 2009 crossing over four to five Continents at a time. She says it is a life altering experience and one she will do again given time. “I traveled on my own in every country, exploring mosaic of cultures and dozens of languages, people and lifestyles. There are thousands of pictures I took and DVDs I have made on my journey, some of my stories I have shared on my past personal blog below, now turned Instagram!. I partnered with Star-Alliance Airline Network and Starwood Hotels to have this amazing and blessed experience!.”

While at University and early in her career, she took on Professional Modeling as a hobby. “Modeling thought me not to take myself too seriously as well as not to take NO for an answer. This, in contrast from the very serious responsibilities of being an IT Auditor in my professional career. The two experiences jointly thought me balance and perspective on people, issues and lifestyles which has allowed me to be open minded in the way I approach life, yet I am grounded and persistent towards my causes.”


My travel curiosities in what I call both personal and workcations have taken me to over 150 Countries and I love to share my experiences through pics and blogs. What used to be a WhatIDoWhereIDo blog has now tuned into photo documentaries using Instagram platform at my a.k.a name AddisHilton, which a journalist named me after paralleling my travel lifestyle, adventures, and controversies to that of Paris Hilton.

I am a big advocate of work-life-balance.  I have discovered the key to a 4-hour work week, a model I blissfully adapted from reading the book by Timothy Farris of San Francisco. –

Ziplining in Mauritius
Scuba Diving in Porto Ricco
Flying in San Juan, Mexico
San Francisco Opening of Opera
Sophia Bekele traveling (Hong Kong)
A modeling shoot at maiden Iane in San Francisco