“He that gives good advice, builds with one hand; he that gives good counsel and example, builds with both; but he that gives good admonition and bad example, builds with one hand and pulls down with the other.” Francis Bacon
“One of the most important lessons I have come to learn over the years is that you can’t do today’s job with yesterday’s methods and be in business tomorrow. You must keep learning new methods and ways of doing things to keep abreast with the world’s ever changing trends.” Chris Kirubi, Fortune Magazine, USA 2012
Under CBS International, Ms. Bekele consults for Private, Governments and international organizations in the fields of development, governance and long-term strategic planning. Additionally, Ms. Bekele has been advising in corporate development/communications programs for various start-ups and OTC within the US as well as corporate governance. She has successfully built international and national clients. During these affirmative years in global development, Ms. Bekele has set up local affiliate African based companies such as SbCommunications Network (SBCnet), and has successfully delivered major strategic nation-building Internetworking projects (e-government initiatives) for such clients like OAU, a.k.a. African Union, and Parliament as well as involve in similar e-government initiative in Ethiopia.
These and the above positions in Ms. Bekele’s career play a pivotal role in building, guiding, and directing the overall future of the private/public sector in a collaborative fashion with members of Executive and Senior management and high level Public Authorities to identify, define and evaluate key strategic issues and develop appropriate policy and remediation guidelines to mitigate exposures
CBSIntl and its people spend enormous amount of time and resources jetting from country to country, spending time with the right people, shaping economic policy, improving national business climates, developing communities, as well as the strategy of individual firms – It is not always a glamorous affair by any standard. —Sophia Bekele CEO, CBS International – 2010
Located few miles north of Silicon Valley, the technology capital of the world, CBS International was established in 1998 with an objective to support the transfer of technology and knowledge to large and enterprise-wide organizations in emerging markets. Since, CBS clients include global, multinational, continental and national organizations, in both private and public sector.